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Rome Roman Forum Tour


Rome Roman Forum Tour Play&Learn


Would you like to find out why the Capitolium hill was called the Goat Hill?

Why were the birds believed to be gods’ messangers by the Romans?

What family does the bee represent?


“Roma caput mundi”. With Rome Roman Forum Tour you can study your map, spot the the starting point and start your art treasure hunt in the most symbolic place of ancient Rome power. We will discover the Roman Forum, a market, a business center, a place for political debates and fights, the core of Rome, a city so powerful to preside over a huge territory and to establish an empire. Then the Capitolium hill, the most sacred place of Rome, hosting today the Rome City Council buildings and the Capitoline museums. We will then reach the Palatine hill, where the shewolf rescued Romolo and Remo and fed them in the Lupercal grotto, according to the legend. Bees, doves, lions and horses will be our companions while visiting this open air zoo.


Watch the clues closely, find your orientation, follow the tracked indications on the map directly on your reference book, search carefully around you. Who is going to be the first one able to spot the trail clues? Challenge other participants, let yourself be lead and immersed in the historical framework and in the interesting stories each clue is linked to. Become a real art treasure hunter! Test yourself, play the game with your friends and other participants, then take the final quiz!


This what you can experience by choosing Safari d’Arte Rome Roman Forum Tour Play&learn!


The Tour


  • Capitolium square
  • Church of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli
  • St Luca and Martina’s Church
  • Mamertine Prison
  • Roman Forum
  • Palatine Hill


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