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Ercolano GUIDED Tour

Play&Learn Tour GUIDED

You can take part in one of our tours, guided by our activity leaders. Each tour operates according to a set schedule and timetable. Choose the most suitable for you and join us!


The option includes

  • A multilingual Activity Leader
  • Audio tour devices to listen to the Activity Leader commentary
  • Safari d’arte Play & Learn Book (containing photo clues, descriptions about history and artworks and a final quiz)
  • A three hour itinerary
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Product Description

Would you like to find out how many people lived in Ercolano?

Who was Petronia Iusta?

What is a “cuccuma”

A charming ancient place still able to surprise and brought to light after centuries of darkness. This little city had and to its nearby city, Pompei, shared a similar story. They were both buried during the Mt Vesuvio eruption in 79 A.D. This fact allows us today to visit these intact places, to see a shop or a area designed to entertain and image how life went at those times.

Watch the clues closely, find your orientation, follow the tracked indications on the map directly on your reference book, search carefully around you. Who is going to be the first one able to spot the trail clues?
Challenge other participants, let yourself be lead and immersed in the historical framework and in the interesting stories each clue is linked to. Become a real art treasure hunter! Test yourself, play the game with your friends and other participants, then take the final quiz!

This what you can experience by choosing this Safari d’arte Play&learn tour!

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Play&Learn Tour GUIDED”

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